Landing Page Feedback/Single Page Navigation

Hi all, seeking feedback for my land page project. I’m wondering if:

-The design is a bit too plain.

-How did people deal with getting the navigation of the page elements to “land” properly, without the tops getting cut off?

I would make clicking This Week’s Link go to its header instead of its video iframe.
When you click on What’s New link it actually navigates to where you want it to. But the navbar is its heading behind it. I would not give your #header position:fixed.

Besides this I would change couple things.

  1. Font-family. This isn’t a good one for readability. Try going for some thing else in sans-serif font family.
  2. Divisions between your contents. Consider adding something like different background-colors for your contents or borders to your sections to emphasize that your section contents are different.

Hi Dylan

Its a very good one.

The concept is ok. I love the vinyl’s.

Maybe if you give a little of margin at your nav bar.

Why not the fixed header? That’s the least headachey way I was able to get it to stay in place.

-Switched the heading text to basic BioRhyme, seems a lot better.

-Changing the link target for the this week’s header didn’t change anything, i’ll keep plugging away at that.

-Clear divisions are a good idea. I’ll work on that.