Learn Accessibility by Building a Quiz - Step 32

Tell us what’s happening:

it says to provide the label element with texte content !

Your code so far

              <label for="q2-a2">
                <input type="radio" id="q2-a2" value="false" />

Challenge Information:

Learn Accessibility by Building a Quiz - Step 32

You should give all label elements in your code a text and all input tags a value.

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thank you the problem was a double cotation in the first label, ( it kept saying fourth element though)

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If you made the changes, let me see your code.

<!-- its all good now, thanks-->

<ul class="answers-list">
                  <label for="q1-a1">
                    <input type="radio" id="q1-a1" value="false"/>
                  <label for="q1-a2">
                    <input type="radio" id="q1-a2" value="true"/>
          <div class="question-block">
            <fieldset class="question" name="html-question-two">
                A label element nesting an input element is required to have a
                for attribute with the same value as the input's id
              <ul class="answers-list">
                  <label for="q2-a1">
                    <input type="radio" id="q2-a1" value="true"/>
                  <label for="q2-a2">
                    <input type="radio" id="q2-a2" value="false"/>

When I ran your code, it passed. Can you reset the lesson and run the same code?


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