Learn Accessibility by Building a Quiz - Step 37

I have been trying this for so long .If someone could help me I will be so glad

My code so far

   <div class="answer">
              <option value="" text="select an option">
                <option value="yes" text="Yes">
                       <option value="no" text="No">

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Challenge: Learn Accessibility by Building a Quiz - Step 37

Link to the challenge:

It says I should give the first option element a text content of Select an option .

You are setting a text attribute. Text content is the text that goes between the opening and closing tags.

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The text should be between the opening and closing option elements. I think there was a misunderstanding of the instructions. Where it says text should be added, it means between the opening and closing elements, not inside one of them.
The select element needs to be made to require an option.

Hope this helps you.

               <div class="answer">
          <option value="">
            <text="select an option"> </text>
            <option value="yes" text="Yes">
                   <option value="no" text="No">

I tried this it didn’t work

Here is an example using choose instead of select and one in place of option.
< div class = " answer “>
< choose required >
< one value=”" >Text goes in here< /one >
< one value = “now”>Now < /one >
< one value = “later”>Later< /one >
< /choose >
< / div>
I hope this helps you solve your problem.

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Thank you so much :joy:it worked

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