Learn Accessibility by Building a Quiz - Step 67

Im sorry to create another post as the previous is not anymore editable

Here s my code and stil gives me a message : " You should wrap the existing * rule within the @media rule." ?

Your code so far


The challenge seed code and/or your solution exceeded the maximum length we can port over from the challenge.

You will need to take an additional step here so the code you wrote presents in an easy to read format.

Please copy/paste all the editor code showing in the challenge from where you just linked.

@media(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
  * {
    scroll-behavior : smooth;

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.6.1 Safari/605.1.15

Challenge Information:

Learn Accessibility by Building a Quiz - Step 67

Hi @Mahfoud,

  1. There is an existing * selector. You did this in the last task. (You don’t need a new * selector)
  2. Place on top of that * selector the @media line.
  3. Remove the space before semicolon.
  4. Close the @media styling on the last line (after the closing of * selector styling).
    Ensure there is no full stop at the end of the closing curly bracket.

Let us know if it works.
:+1: happy coding.

  • {
    scroll-behavior: smooth ; }

This 2 lines of code that causes me the issue I did not paid attention they were upon my actual task , I’ve deleted them and it worked for me :slight_smile: thank you bro for your help

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Glad that I could help.

Perhaps you will click one of the action buttons - solution - which is below the post that provided the

:+1: Happy coding.

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