Tell us what’s happening:
I have started this course and completed 30% and closed gitpod and again I opened it. And I see that again i need to start it from beginning.
Can anyone help me out with this problem and how to save the progress
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Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate
Did you look for the gitpod workspace you created before or did you start a new one?
i followed the instructions
Which instructions? The first time you use the course you must use the start button. But the second time you must go to your gitpod dashboard and open the existing workspace there (not from fcc).
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ok now I got it thank you
if logout from fcc without completing the course the entire progress will be lost and again i need to start it from beginning right?
I don’t think this is true in this course. But I am not sure. Usually I stay logged in all the time so I have not tested.
ok, anyways I will try to logout and see what happens