Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs - Build Five Programs

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This tutorial just does not work. I have restarted from scratch at least 5 times, in addition to doing countless soft resets, and resetting the exercise and it it’s always the same problem, the tutorial is always one step behind and it gets to a point where the exercises are not doable. i have cleared my browser history, emptied my cache, reboote my laptop, and the error still occurs. This is unbelievably frustrating. I understand that this section is in beta, but from what I can tell, its been out for at least a year, this seems like a pretty significant issue that needs to be resolved or this section should be taken down.

also, i know that we don’t want people posting about similar issues, but it’s really hard to tell what someone is posting about when the description for the issue is buried underneath the same text for everyone eleses issue. It’s incredibly cumbersome to have to click through every single post to see if maybe this is relevant to my issue, when chances are it’s not which just wastes even more time. A forum is great, but I think it could be a little more user friendly because this

doesn’t tell me anything. No disrepspect, but aren’t you all web designers? perhaps this could be a project for one of the tutorials, making this forum actually readable and navigable, because this is honestly a big mess.

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Challenge: Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs - Build Five Programs

Link to the challenge:

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I’m not sure exactly why you’re experiencing issues with this course. I’m responding only because I have literally just completed the course (Build Five Programs) a couple of days ago. I didn’t encounter any issues with it at all. I know that it’s in Beta and isn’t totally stable but I’ve yet to encounter any problems. I’m now working through the Student Database section and it’s all running smoothly so far.

I’m on a Windows 11 laptop using Chrome, so perhaps there are issues with people who are working on different OS or browser?

now i cant even get CodeAlley to boot up. it just keeps refreshing the login screen. Awesome. who designed this again?

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Oh yeah, it broke yesterday. It’s in Beta so it’s not completely stable. It’s been reported and hopefully will be up and running again soon!

I faced the same problem. I think the problem is with
CodeAlly. I have to press reset after each step in order to proceed to the next step, but sometimes this doesn’t help and I log in the CodeAlly with my android smartphone browser, this helps, but for about five steps. After that it starts again.

We are all present on this forum, like you, to learn from the experience gained and to help those who need it.
The projects in this course may not be very clear in explanation, but they are correct and solvable.
It depends on everyone how they approach each project, how they go through each point.
But it is doable and you can certainly graduate it.
Some of us have less experience, others with more. We help each other.
Don’t give up and restart the project 10 times if necessary.
Some graduate it quickly, others more difficult. But if you have a goal, you will definitely graduate.

i have to finish this bash building scripting five program. i have issues with codeAlly, when i start to run the course it goes automatically to GITPOD ? which i naver used . how can i remove this gitpod thing ?

kindly regard

CodeAlly is not working anymore, so the projects have been set to use a gitpod workspace, are you having issues with following the instructions on how to use gitpod?

Hello All,
I have completed the first two programs of the 5. And still it will not allow me to run the next instructions in the bash scripting. Can any one help how to continue from where I stopped, so that I can register my progress? Please check the following screen shot for more details of the issue

Any help is good as working all over would need a considerable time again.

On the very left of the panel there should be a ‘source control’ pane

Do you have a long list of uncommitted changes? If you do, click the ‘commit’ button and select Yes to commit all to main. A text file will open, write “trying to fix” (or anything you’d like) on the very first line of the file, and close it. Then stop and start your gitpod workstation again.

This has worked once for me, but I have no idea why this is happening…

Thanks @SpookyBlump! But I have commit and has been on going for sometime now. Should I just close and open? What do you think?

You have to close the file that opens to proceed, after writing a commit message

I tried. But still my progress couldn’t be visible, despite the programs fully committed. Any idea?

I was struggling to restart this, but started CodeRoad by following these instructions - Setup | CodeRoad