Hi folks, I’m unable to go on on the building five programs exercise. I’m stuck way early on and not savy on the usage of virtual studio code. As you can see when I’m asked to input “echo hello questionnaire” on step 3 I can’t find the project editor on the explorer panel. Running the code on the terminal does nothing either. Anyone have any clue? I’ve spent a couple of hours looking for solutions but can’t figure it out.
thanks for the reply! Is that using cmd? or gitbash? to access vs code straigth into questionnarie excersize?
I’m just starting learning to code, so please bear with my ignorance.
Do I do this when the course is open or after?
I tried to open with VS code opened in the course and pased that window into my current vs code and still it gave me problems:
this is the folder where my rdb alpha is in:
cd C:\Users*user*\rdb-alpha
inside it I cant find a “project” folder, neither in the .devcontainer folder, nor the .git folder. I’m illiterate in git/github, so I don’t know if it’s a folder in the repository or other wise.
If it’s a command in VS code can you give a tip please?
I’m running locally btw, don’t know if this makes any difference.
Sorry to be insistent on this, I really want to learn and improve, but I’m sorely behind.
Thank you for your time and patience!
I do not want to mislead you but as soon as you said I'm running locally I could not help but to think your problem is related to an issue that I explain here:
If you try to setup a local environment and run it outside, you might hit the issue that the setup for coderoad depends on the user that starts the process and opens vs code, to have root privileges escalation ability and it has to be passwordless, as well. Otherwise the proper files will silently failed to be setup.
I am not explicitly saying this is exactly the case for you, since I do not know what you are doing, but I would not be surprise since the situation is real. I hope that letting you know you might troubleshoot it that way.