Learn Basic Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Number Sorter - Step 44

Tell us what’s happening:

I don’t understand what I am doing wrong , i don’t know if its the parameters that are wrong or if its the return value that is

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// User Editable Region

  const sortedValues = inputValues.sort((a, b) => {
if (number.value > 0) {
  return a - b

// User Editable Region

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Learn Basic Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Number Sorter - Step 44

The instructions were:

return a single subtraction calculation using a and b that will correctly sort the numbers with the above logic.

But you wrote an if statement.

Drop the if statement and write:


Then write a subtraction statement next to it.

oh thanks it worked ! I assumed I had to write an if statement but turns out it wasn’t even necessary

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