Does this mean that the h1 h2 and p elements should be deleted and I should replace them with a element/selector. Then, add a property of the element/selector and the value of text-align?
Basically, what this step asks you to do is good practice, because when you have a group of elements that will have the same properties, it is much more readable when you have one single block of code dictating the properties, instead of one block for each individual element.
As a note, you can also do this when they only have a few properties in common. Example:
You can group their overlapping properties into a single block of code by using a selector list, and then set the other properties using only the h1 and h2 selectors. In cases like these whether this helps or not will be your own criteria.
Yeah, after so much research this one has really thrown me off track. Still stuck on this one and trying my best to work it out without putting so many questions.