you’re saying that ‘yes’ the step wanted you to change the color for all the elements?
Are you sure? Please quote the specific part of the step that said that.
This is an example of a selector with property and values:
color: red;
The h1 is the selector, color is the property and red is the value, so instead of using more than one selectors like you did before just use the one asked of you to code your menu. Hope this helps. Goodluck!
instead you are asked to use one selector: body with a background color of brown. I will suggest reseting your code to clear all errors you might have made.
you are not ‘on the body’.
You are trying to make the background-color of ALL the elements listed body/h1/h2/p into brown and that is NOT correct.
They want you to make ONLY the body’s background-color into brown.
Do you see that instruction is written in the step? It doesn’t say to make them ALL brown.