Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu - Step 51

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<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Cafe Menu</title>
    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <div class="menu">
        <h1>CAMPER CAFE</h1>
        <p>Est. 2020</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">French Vanilla</p><p class="price">3.00</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Caramel Macchiato</p><p class="price">3.75</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Pumpkin Spice</p><p class="price">3.50</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Hazelnut</p><p class="price">4.00</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Mocha</p><p class="price">4.50</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="dessert">Donut</p><p class="price">1.50</p>
/* file: styles.css */
body {
  background-image: url(https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/css-cafe/beans.jpg);

h1, h2, p {
  text-align: center;

.menu {
  width: 80%;
  background-color: burlywood;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

.item p {
  display: inline-block;

/* User Editable Region */

.flavor {
  text-align: left;
  width: 75%;

/* User Editable Region */

.price {
  text-align: right;
  width: 25%

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Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu - Step 51

Step 51

Something does not look right. You added the correct class attribute value to the p element with Donut as its text, but you have not defined a selector for it.

The CSS rule for the flavor class already sets the properties you want. Add the dessert class as an additional selector for this CSS rule.

you need to add another class dessert with your flavor class. For example
.class1, .class2 {
property: value;
I hope this will help you.

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Welcome soumyaranjansaho to the fCC forum. I have already given you way to solve the problem. If you try it now, I hope you can make it.