As you see . if this is correct then it should have passed … but if its wrong please give me the right Answer . ASAP … cuz i have been stuck for a while …
plz… >_<
** the challenge : Step 64
Inside the footer, add a p element. Then, nest an anchor (a) element in the p that links to and has the text Visit our website. **
I FOUND IT. ive been stuck on this step for awhile but i finally figured it out. Even though the program says you dont need to close an anchor tag, in this step i guess you do. i was gonna give you my code but it wont show when i post. ill justexplain it. after the href close it with >. and then after ‘Visit our website’ put the closing anchor tag before the closing paragraph.
Edit: I figured it out. Pretty frustrating. I learned href links from TOP and I did it the TOP way the first go around and it flagged it as incorrect, and then I tired it the way above which was incorrect, so I put it back to the original way that I had it which was the TOP way and now it is correct.