Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 135

Tell us what’s happening:

Change the double quotes around the string to single quotes ', then add double quotes around “Arg!”.

looks right to me, where am I going wrong, not able to move ahead

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

name: “kill monster”,
“button text”: [“Go to town square”, “Go to town square”, “Go to town square”],
“button functions”: [goTown, goTown, goTown],
text: ‘'The monster screams “Arg!” as it dies. You gain experience points and find gold.'’

    name: "kill monster",
    "button text": ["Go to town square", "Go to town square", "Go to town square"],
    "button functions": [goTown, goTown, goTown],
    text: '\'The monster screams "Arg!" as it dies. You gain experience points and find gold.\''

// User Editable Region

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 135

Tell us what’s happening:

Change the double quotes around the string “The monster screams Arg! as it dies. You gain experience points and find gold.” to single quotes ', then add double quotes around “Arg!”.

my code seems to be right, but it isn’t moving ahead. If I’m wrong please correct me

Your code so far

    name: "kill monster",
    "button text": ["Go to town square", "Go to town square", "Go to town square"],
    "button functions": [goTown, goTown, goTown],
    text: '\'The monster screams "Arg!" as it dies. You gain experience points and find gold.\''
    name: "kill monster",
    "button text": ["Go to town square", "Go to town square", "Go to town square"],
    "button functions": [goTown, goTown, goTown],
    text: '\'The monster screams "Arg!" as it dies. You gain experience points and find gold.\''

// User Editable Region

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 135

HI @kaykay11 !

Welcome to the forum!

I would suggest resetting the lesson

You shouldn’t use any backslashes \ in your answer.

The lesson wants you to change the double quotes around "The monster screams Arg! as it dies. You gain experience points and find gold." to single quotes '

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