can someone please help with this, I’m sure its something very easy, I just can’t figure it out. It says you should have three values in your locations array.
Your code so far
const locations = [
name: "town square",
"button text": ["Go to store", "Go to cave", "Fight dragon"],
"button functions": [goStore, goCave, fightDragon],
text: "You are in the town square. You see a sign that says \"Store\"."
name: "store",
"button text": ["Buy 10 health (10 gold)", "Buy weapon (30 gold)", "Go to town square"],
"button functions": [buyHealth, buyWeapon, goTown],
text: "You enter the store."
name: "cave",
"button text": ["Fight slime", "Fight fanged beast", "Go to town square"],
"button functions": [fightSlime, fightBeast, goTown],
text: "You enter the cave. You see some monsters."
Your code passes.
Reset the step and try again. If that doesn’t work, refresh the page, disable dark mode, disable ad blockers. Or, use another browser.
If the above steps do not work, you may need to restart the computer.
still doesn’t work, I have changed computers, refreshed, dark mode is switched off, using different browser
name: "cave",
"button text": ["Fight slime", "Fight fanged beast", "Go to town square"],
"button functions": [fightSlime, fightBeast, goTown],
text: "You enter the cave. You see some monsters."
const locations = [
name: "town square",
"button text": ["Go to store", "Go to cave", "Fight dragon"],
"button functions": [goStore, goCave, fightDragon],
text: "You are in the town square. You see a sign that says \"Store\"."
name: "cave",
"button text": ["Fight slime", "Fight fanged beast", "Go to town square"],
"button functions": [fightSlime, fightBeast, goTown],
text: "You enter the cave. You see some monsters."
the question is:
Add a third object to the locations array. Give it the same properties as the other two objects.
Set name to cave. Set button text to an array with the strings "Fight slime", "Fight fanged beast", and "Go to town square". Set the "button functions" to an array with the variables fightSlime, fightBeast, and goTown. Set the text property to "You enter the cave. You see some monsters.".