Learn Basic OOP by Building a Shopping Cart - Step 24

Tell us what’s happening:

Back again with another syntax issue.

I am wrapping this in parenthesis. I have also tried adding the end paren after the ||0, but still nothing is working.

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// User Editable Region

  addItem(id, products) {
    const product = products.find((item) => item.id === id);
    const { name, price } = product;

    const totalCountPerProduct = {};
    this.items.forEach((dessert) => {
      totalCountPerProduct[dessert.id] = (totalCountPerProduct[dessert.id]) + 1 || 0;

// User Editable Region

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Learn Basic OOP by Building a Shopping Cart - Step 24

you should have the fallback inside these round parenthesis, so that if it is null or undefined then it is replaced with a 0

const totalCountPerProduct = {};
this.items.forEach((dessert) => {
totalCountPerProduct[dessert.id] = (totalCountPerProduct[dessert.id] + 1 || 0);

Thank you for the suggestion. This fails as well. the hint keeps telling me to wrap totalCountPerProduct[dessert.id] in parenthesis.

only the fallback, not the sum.
you add only the fallback into the parenthesis, and then add +1 outside when the value is determined

not required for the step, but important info:

if you have this, and the value is undefined you have undefined +1 || 0 which collapses to 0, when you want instead to have 1 as first value when counting a product

const totalCountPerProduct = {};
this.items.forEach((dessert) => {
totalCountPerProduct[dessert.id] = (totalCountPerProduct[dessert.id]) + 1 || 0;
Is this the syntax you mean?

you still need the fallback, and the fallback only not the sum, inside the parenthesis

I finally got it. For those of you wondering. Adding || 0 at the end is not necessarily the end you see in the examples.