Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 23

Tell us what’s happening:

i don’t know why i am getting the following message ;You should create a button element with the class playlist-song-delete as its first attribute and value.

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

const createDeleteButton = (song) => {
  const deleteButton = document.createElement('button');
  deleteButton.setAttribute('aria-label', `Delete ${song.title}`);
  deleteButton.innerHTML = `
    <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
      <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="8" fill="#4d4d62"/>
      <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.32587 5.18571C5.7107 4.90301 6.28333 4.94814 6.60485 5.28651L8 6.75478L9.39515 5.28651C9.71667 4.94814 10.2893 4.90301 10.6741 5.18571C11.059 5.4684 11.1103 5.97188 10.7888 6.31026L9.1832 7.99999L10.7888 9.68974C11.1103 10.0281 11.059 10.5316 10.6741 10.8143C10.2893 11.097 9.71667 11.0519 9.39515 10.7135L8 9.24521L6.60485 10.7135C6.28333 11.0519 5.7107 11.097 5.32587 10.8143C4.94102 10.5316 4.88969 10.0281 5.21121 9.68974L6.8168 7.99999L5.21122 6.31026C4.8897 5.97188 4.94102 5.4684 5.32587 5.18571Z" fill="white"/>

  return deleteButton;

// User Editable Region

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Challenge Information:

Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 23

Hi there!

The instructions:
Create another button element with the class playlist-song-delete and the aria-label attribute set to Delete interpolated with song.title. For the content of the delete icon, paste in the following SVG:

You haven’t created the button element.

don’t create a function, continue adding the html to the template literal