Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 24

Tell us what’s happening:

Does anyone know what I am missing? It says You should add join("") to the existing code


Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

      return songs.map(song =>`
      <li id="song-${song.id}" class="playlist-song">
      <button class="playlist-song-info">
          <span class="playlist-song-title">${song.title}</span>
          <span class="playlist-song-artist">${song.artist}</span>
          <span class="playlist-song-duration">${song.duration}</span>
      <button class="playlist-song-delete" aria-label="Delete ${song.title}">
          <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="8" fill="#4d4d62"/>
          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.32587 5.18571C5.7107 4.90301 6.28333 4.94814 6.60485 5.28651L8 6.75478L9.39515 5.28651C9.71667 4.94814 10.2893 4.90301 10.6741 5.18571C11.059 5.4684 11.1103 5.97188 10.7888 6.31026L9.1832 7.99999L10.7888 9.68974C11.1103 10.0281 11.059 10.5316 10.6741 10.8143C10.2893 11.097 9.71667 11.0519 9.39515 10.7135L8 9.24521L6.60485 10.7135C6.28333 11.0519 5.7107 11.097 5.32587 10.8143C4.94102 10.5316 4.88969 10.0281 5.21121 9.68974L6.8168 7.99999L5.21122 6.31026C4.8897 5.97188 4.94102 5.4684 5.32587 5.18571Z" fill="white"/></svg>
      `).join(" ");

// User Editable Region

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Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 24

Hi @iskren500

Try removing the white space between the quote marks.

Happy coding

What white space? I tried to remove the space between the quotes and doesn’t work

return songs.map(song =>`
      <li id="song-${song.id}" class="playlist-song">
      <button class="playlist-song-info">
          <span class="playlist-song-title">${song.title}</span>
          <span class="playlist-song-artist">${song.artist}</span>
          <span class="playlist-song-duration">${song.duration}</span>
      <button class="playlist-song-delete" aria-label="Delete ${song.title}">
          <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="8" fill="#4d4d62"/>
          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.32587 5.18571C5.7107 4.90301 6.28333 4.94814 6.60485 5.28651L8 6.75478L9.39515 5.28651C9.71667 4.94814 10.2893 4.90301 10.6741 5.18571C11.059 5.4684 11.1103 5.97188 10.7888 6.31026L9.1832 7.99999L10.7888 9.68974C11.1103 10.0281 11.059 10.5316 10.6741 10.8143C10.2893 11.097 9.71667 11.0519 9.39515 10.7135L8 9.24521L6.60485 10.7135C6.28333 11.0519 5.7107 11.097 5.32587 10.8143C4.94102 10.5316 4.88969 10.0281 5.21121 9.68974L6.8168 7.99999L5.21122 6.31026C4.8897 5.97188 4.94102 5.4684 5.32587 5.18571Z" fill="white"/></svg>

can you help please, which white space are you talking about

The problem lies in how the join("") is applied in your code.
In your code, you are mapping over the songs array to generate a list of HTML strings. The resulting array of strings needs to be joined into one single string to render the content properly in your application.

  • The join("") method is applied directly to the result of map. Ensure no extra spaces or incorrect characters are added between elements unless specifically required.
  • Use "" to avoid adding any separator between the mapped elements.

I still don’t get it

where did this line came from? it doesn’t match the seed code

trying adding after the array

trying resetting then doing it again, considering that the code you showed doesn’t match the seed code