Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 30

Hi Support team!!! so i’ve been stuck on this step for the past couple of hours, I’ve had my code checked by another user and it passed on his side, ive tried logging out and refreshing but it still doesn’t work, ive tried redoing my code from step 20 but no luck. I’m not sure if it is some kind of bug or something. PLEASE ADVICE!!


if (userData?.currentSong === null || userData?.currentSong.id !== song.id) {
audio.currentTime = 0;
} else {
audio.currentTime = userData?.songCurrentTime;

can you show all the javascript file and give the link to the step?

I’ve added the link as well as my javascript so far, apologies if there was a better way of sharing my work, i hope this helps

Welcome to the forum @znordien27

Use the following method to post code to the forum:

  1. On a separate line type three back ticks.
  2. On a separate line paste your code.
  3. On the last line type three back ticks. Here is a single back tick `

Happy coding

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ah i see, thank you for the pointers, your assistance is much appreciated :+1:

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The following is the link to my step as well as my code so far:

const playButton = document.getElementById("play");
const pauseButton = document.getElementById("pause");
const nextButton = document.getElementById("next");
const previousButton = document.getElementById("previous");
const shuffleButton = document.getElementById("shuffle");

const allSongs = [
    id: 0,
    title: "Scratching The Surface",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "4:25",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/scratching-the-surface.mp3",
    id: 1,
    title: "Can't Stay Down",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "4:15",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/cant-stay-down.mp3",
    id: 2,
    title: "Still Learning",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "3:51",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/still-learning.mp3",
    id: 3,
    title: "Cruising for a Musing",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "3:34",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/cruising-for-a-musing.mp3",
    id: 4,
    title: "Never Not Favored",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "3:35",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/never-not-favored.mp3",
    id: 5,
    title: "From the Ground Up",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "3:12",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/from-the-ground-up.mp3",
    id: 6,
    title: "Walking on Air",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "3:25",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/walking-on-air.mp3",
    id: 7,
    title: "Can't Stop Me. Can't Even Slow Me Down.",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "3:52",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/cant-stop-me-cant-even-slow-me-down.mp3",
    id: 8,
    title: "The Surest Way Out is Through",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "3:10",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/the-surest-way-out-is-through.mp3",
    id: 9,
    title: "Chasing That Feeling",
    artist: "Quincy Larson",
    duration: "2:43",
    src: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/org.freecodecamp.mp3-player-project/chasing-that-feeling.mp3",

const audio = new Audio();
let userData = {
  songs: [...allSongs],
  currentSong: null,
  songCurrentTime: 0,

const playSong = (id) => {
  const song = userData?.songs.find((song) => song.id === id);
  audio.src = song.src;
  audio.title = song.title;

  if (userData?.currentSong === null || userData?.currentSong.id !== song.id) {
    audio.currentTime = 0;
  } else {
    audio.currentTime = userData?.songCurrentTime;


const renderSongs = (array) => {
  const songsHTML = array
    .map((song)=> {
      return `
      <li id="song-${song.id}" class="playlist-song">
      <button class="playlist-song-info">
          <span class="playlist-song-title">${song.title}</span>
          <span class="playlist-song-artist">${song.artist}</span>
          <span class="playlist-song-duration">${song.duration}</span>
      <button class="playlist-song-delete" aria-label="Delete ${song.title}">
          <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="8" fill="#4d4d62"/>
          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.32587 5.18571C5.7107 4.90301 6.28333 4.94814 6.60485 5.28651L8 6.75478L9.39515 5.28651C9.71667 4.94814 10.2893 4.90301 10.6741 5.18571C11.059 5.4684 11.1103 5.97188 10.7888 6.31026L9.1832 7.99999L10.7888 9.68974C11.1103 10.0281 11.059 10.5316 10.6741 10.8143C10.2893 11.097 9.71667 11.0519 9.39515 10.7135L8 9.24521L6.60485 10.7135C6.28333 11.0519 5.7107 11.097 5.32587 10.8143C4.94102 10.5316 4.88969 10.0281 5.21121 9.68974L6.8168 7.99999L5.21122 6.31026C4.8897 5.97188 4.94102 5.4684 5.32587 5.18571Z" fill="white"/></svg>

  playlistSongs.innerHTML = songsHTML;

userData?.songs.sort((a,b) => {
  if (a.title < b.title) {
    return -1;

  if (a.title > b.title) {
    return 1;

  return 0;


Hi @znordien27

On the very last line of your code, add a curly brace to close the function.

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:man_facepalming: :face_exhaling:Thanks a lot, i finally got it, hiding all the way at the bottom of my code. Thanks again @Teller you assistance is greatly appreciated!!! :+1: :+1:

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