Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 96

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what is the error please let me know , i tried my best

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<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

audio.addEventListener("ended", () => {
  const currentSongIndex = getCurrentSongIndex();
  let nextsongExists = currentSongIndex < userData.songs.length - 1 ? true : false;


// User Editable Region

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Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 96

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Hi there!

Use constant to declare the variable nextSongExists

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I dont understand why doesn’t pass when i check
any sugestions?

audio.addEventListener("ended", () => {
  const currentSongIndex = getCurrentSongIndex();
  const nextsongExists = currentSongIndex < userData.songs.length - 1 ? true : false;
