Learn Classes and Objects by Building a Sudoku Solver - Step 14

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class Board:
    def __init__(self, board):
        self.board = board

    def __str__(self):
        upper_lines = f'\n╔═══{"╤═══"*2}{"╦═══"}{"╤═══"*2}{"╦═══"}{"╤═══"*2}╗\n'
        middle_lines = f'╟───{"┼───"*2}{"╫───"}{"┼───"*2}{"╫───"}{"┼───"*2}╢\n'
        lower_lines = f'╚═══{"╧═══"*2}{"╩═══"}{"╧═══"*2}{"╩═══"}{"╧═══"*2}╝\n'
        board_string = upper_lines

        for index, line in enumerate(self.board):
            row_list = []

# User Editable Region

            for square_no, part in enumerate([line[:3], line[3:6], line[6:]], start=1):
                for item in part(|):

# User Editable Region

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Learn Classes and Objects by Building a Sudoku Solver - Step 14

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Welcome to the forum @AngoyJessaMae

Now, you would join the elements of the segment (part) with the pipe character (|).
For that, first, use a for loop for item in part to access all elements.
Then, use the join() method on the | character to join the elements of the segment (part).
After that, convert each element to a string using str(item).
You should use the join() method on the | character to join the elements of the segment (part ). add test for “” as well

The instructions are a bit vague on the order of the code.

Your code has part joining the | (pipe character).
However the instructions ask to use the join method on |.

Start with that, then use the hint messages to guide you on the rest of the code.

Happy coding

Honestly, I find these instructions to be too vague to understand. I have worked through most of these coding projects quickly, but I am really stuck on this step. I really do not understand what they want us to do here.

Please open a new topic. Use the “ask for help” button and it will share your code as well.