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Learning to describe problems is hard, but it is an important part of learning how to code.
Also, the more you say, the more we can help!
I think your alt texts should be more descriptive. The names you used can be anything and they do not describe the objects. Remember the alt texts are for visually impaired individuals, they have to be easily accessible. When the screen reader reads out the text, for instance, Charlie the visually impaired individual might think you’re talking of a person while in the real sense, it’s a cat. That’s why you need more descriptive texts.
Read instructions carefully:
To complete the project, add an alt attribute to all nine of your cat images to describe them. Use a value at least five characters long for each.
If you suspect foul-play by hidden characters and you are in a Unix like system, there is also another way; a command line to find out. Example:
echo '<img src="" alt="Frankie">
' | od -bc
0000000 074 151 155 147 040 163 162 143 075 042 150 164 164 160 163 072
< i m g s r c = " h t t p s :
0000020 057 057 143 144 156 056 146 162 145 145 143 157 144 145 143 141
/ / c d n . f r e e c o d e c a
0000040 155 160 056 157 162 147 057 143 165 162 162 151 143 165 154 165
m p . o r g / c u r r i c u l u
0000060 155 057 143 163 163 055 160 150 157 164 157 055 147 141 154 154
m / c s s - p h o t o - g a l l
0000100 145 162 171 057 071 056 152 160 147 042 040 342 200 214 141 154
e r y / 9 . j p g " 342 200 214 a l
0000120 164 075 042 106 162 141 156 153 151 145 042 076 012 012
t = " F r a n k i e " > \n \n