Learn Encapsulation by Building a Projectile Trajectory Calculator - Step 21

Tell us what’s happening:

My function’s output seems to match the required output. What’s going on?

Your code so far

import math

x_axis_tick = "T"
y_axis_tick = "⊣"

class Projectile:
    __slots__ = ('__speed', '__height', '__angle')

    def __init__(self, speed, height, angle):
        self.__speed = speed
        self.__height = height
        self.__angle = math.radians(angle)
    def __str__(self):
        return f'''
Projectile details:
speed: {self.speed} m/s
height: {self.height} m
angle: {self.angle}°
displacement: {round(self.__calculate_displacement(), 1)} m

    def __calculate_displacement(self):
        horizontal_component = self.__speed * math.cos(self.__angle)
        vertical_component = self.__speed * math.sin(self.__angle)
        squared_component = vertical_component**2
        gh_component = 2 * GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION * self.__height
        sqrt_component = math.sqrt(squared_component + gh_component)
        return horizontal_component * (vertical_component + sqrt_component) / GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION
    def __calculate_y_coordinate(self, x):
        height_component = self.__height
        angle_component = math.tan(self.__angle) * x
        acceleration_component = GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION * x ** 2 / (
                2 * self.__speed ** 2 * math.cos(self.__angle) ** 2)
        y_coordinate = height_component + angle_component - acceleration_component

        return y_coordinate
    def calculate_all_coordinates(self):
        return [
            (x, self.__calculate_y_coordinate(x))
            for x in range(math.ceil(self.__calculate_displacement()))

    def height(self):
        return self.__height

    def angle(self):
        return round(math.degrees(self.__angle))

    def speed(self):
        return self.__speed

    def height(self, n):
        self.__height = n

    def angle(self, n):
        self.__angle = math.radians(n)

    def speed(self, s):
       self.__speed = s
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__}({self.speed}, {self.height}, {self.angle})'

class Graph:
    __slots__ = ('__coordinates')

    def __init__(self, coord):
        self.__coordinates = coord

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Graph({self.__coordinates})"

    def create_coordinates_table(self):
        table = '\n  x      y\n'
        for x, y in self.__coordinates:
            table += f'{x:>3}{y:>7.2f}\n'

        return table

# User Editable Region

    def create_trajectory(self):

        rounded_coords = [(round(x), round(y)) for x, y in self.__coordinates]

        x_max = max(rounded_coords, key=lambda i: i[0])[0]
        y_max = max(rounded_coords, key=lambda j: j[1])[1]

        matrix_list = [[" " for _ in range(x_max + 3)] for _ in range(y_max + 2)]

        for x, y in rounded_coords:
            matrix_list[-2 - y][x + 1] = PROJECTILE

        for x in range(0, x_max + 1):
            matrix_list[-1][x + 1] = x_axis_tick

        for y in range(0, y_max + 1):
            matrix_list[y][0] = y_axis_tick

        matrix = ["".join(line) for line in matrix_list]

        return matrix

# User Editable Region

ball = Projectile(10, 3, 45)
coordinates = ball.calculate_all_coordinates()
graph = Graph(coordinates)
for row in graph.create_trajectory():

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Learn Encapsulation by Building a Projectile Trajectory Calculator - Step 21

Welcome to the forum @remmymilkyway

Here is a comparison of the original code and your code.

The code in blue is the original code, the code in red is your code.
The code in magenta is the overlap.

You appear to have altered the seed code.
Please reset the step and try again.

Happy coding