Hello. There is a problem with my code Please help me. The developer console says: Sorry, your code does not pass. Keep trying.
You should access the innerHTML property of the output element. // running tests
You should access the innerHTML property of the output element.
You should assign an empty template literal to the innerHTML property of the output element.
// tests completed
// console output
[TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘split’)]
In the beginning of the script.js file you already declared an output element. So you just have to access output.innerHtml in this challenge. Do not declare a new outputElement, use output instead.
What you say about the above line of code you added to the challenge editor.?
The instructions is asking you:
Start by assigning an empty template literal to the innerHTML property of the output element on a new line at the end of the function.
At the top part of the script.js you should have this line. Probably you already have. If you do not have this line you can reset the challenge because you wrote this line at the earlier steps of this challenge.
Then you need you write output.innerHTML for this challenge. This will equal to empty template literals.