Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet - Step 95

Tell us what’s happening:

My Code

 element.value = evalFormula(value.slice(1),document.getElementById("container")(children))

The part I’m stuck on is “accessing the children property of the result”
I tried things like document.getElementById("container").property(children), too.
Please let me know what’s the proper way to do this. Thanks!

Your code so far

/* file: script.js */
const infixToFunction = {
  "+": (x, y) => x + y,
  "-": (x, y) => x - y,
  "*": (x, y) => x * y,
  "/": (x, y) => x / y,

const infixEval = (str, regex) => str.replace(regex, (_match, arg1, operator, arg2) => infixToFunction[operator](parseFloat(arg1), parseFloat(arg2)));

const highPrecedence = str => {
  const regex = /([\d.]+)([*\/])([\d.]+)/;
  const str2 = infixEval(str, regex);
  return str === str2 ? str : highPrecedence(str2);

const isEven = num => num % 2 === 0;
const sum = nums => nums.reduce((acc, el) => acc + el, 0);
const average = nums => sum(nums) / nums.length;

const median = nums => {
  const sorted = nums.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b);
  const length = sorted.length;
  const middle = length / 2 - 1;
  return isEven(length)
    ? average([sorted[middle], sorted[middle + 1]])
    : sorted[Math.ceil(middle)];

const spreadsheetFunctions = {

const applyFunction = str => {
  const noHigh = highPrecedence(str);
  const infix = /([\d.]+)([+-])([\d.]+)/;
  const str2 = infixEval(noHigh, infix);
  const functionCall = /([a-z0-9]*)\(([0-9., ]*)\)(?!.*\()/i;
  const toNumberList = args => args.split(",").map(parseFloat);
  const apply = (fn, args) => spreadsheetFunctions[fn.toLowerCase()](toNumberList(args));
  return str2.replace(functionCall, (match, fn, args) => spreadsheetFunctions.hasOwnProperty(fn.toLowerCase()) ? apply(fn, args) : match);

const range = (start, end) => Array(end - start + 1).fill(start).map((element, index) => element + index);
const charRange = (start, end) => range(start.charCodeAt(0), end.charCodeAt(0)).map(code => String.fromCharCode(code));

const evalFormula = (x, cells) => {
  const idToText = id => cells.find(cell => cell.id === id).value;
  const rangeRegex = /([A-J])([1-9][0-9]?):([A-J])([1-9][0-9]?)/gi;
  const rangeFromString = (num1, num2) => range(parseInt(num1), parseInt(num2));
  const elemValue = num => character => idToText(character + num);
  const addCharacters = character1 => character2 => num => charRange(character1, character2).map(elemValue(num));
  const rangeExpanded = x.replace(rangeRegex, (_match, char1, num1, char2, num2) => rangeFromString(num1, num2).map(addCharacters(char1)(char2)));
  const cellRegex = /[A-J][1-9][0-9]?/gi;
  const cellExpanded = rangeExpanded.replace(cellRegex, match => idToText(match.toUpperCase()));
  const functionExpanded = applyFunction(cellExpanded);
  return functionExpanded === x ? functionExpanded : evalFormula(functionExpanded, cells);

window.onload = () => {
  const container = document.getElementById("container");
  const createLabel = (name) => {
    const label = document.createElement("div");
    label.className = "label";
    label.textContent = name;
  const letters = charRange("A", "J");
  range(1, 99).forEach(number => {
    letters.forEach(letter => {
      const input = document.createElement("input");
      input.type = "text";
      input.id = letter + number;
      input.ariaLabel = letter + number;
      input.onchange = update;

// User Editable Region

const update = event => {
  const element = event.target;
  const value = element.value.replace(/\s/g, "");
  if (!value.includes(element.id) && value.startsWith('=')) {
    element.value = evalFormula(value.slice(1),document.getElementById("container")(children));

// User Editable Region

Challenge Information:

Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet - Step 95

Hi @totaleclipse

You can quickly get all cells from your page by getting the #container element by its id and accessing the children property of the result. Pass that to your evalFormula() call as the second parameter.

The keyword is property.

Happy coding

Hi Teller, sorry, but that doesn’t help me at all. As you’ve seen, I’ve tried to access the property

What is the syntax to access the property of an object?

Idk, that’s why I posted my question. Like I said, I already tried this way, too.

See if you can combine the last two lines of code you posted.

Make sure you understand the code structure.

I don’t understand what you’re asking me to do. I didn’t post multiple lines of code. And I tried combining the two different versions I tried (didn’t work).

I don’t, and that’s why I’m here. Can you please explain to me what the proper syntax is.?Thanks.

Hi there!

You have added the children property as a additional function call. You need to access it. You need to access the property using dot notation.

Did you look at my other example?:

I believe that’s what I was doing there.

The children it’s self is a property and it’s didn’t need to have property word also the () around


Thanks hasan! That worked.

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