Learn How to Discuss Your Morning or Evening Routine - Task 77

Tell us what’s happening:

I am struggling to find the words for number one and number two can someone help me with that?

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Learn How to Discuss Your Morning or Evening Routine - Task 77

I blurred the images so we don’t spoil it for others.

I didn’t look at the challenge, but I was able to guess the two words just from the sentences in the image.

I am also struggling to find the word for number 2 (please see image above). Can anyone give a tip. Thanks

I also guessed many words but it does not fix at the challenge… Did you try them at the challenge and it did accept? thx

it is not a Word that is coming from the CC text or the Speech, you need to try Like to Feel a World in That is comfortable with the Sentence,

like „can’t contribute to overall„ or try „ has“ „can“ .

hey, friendly! show me how to make text line in the spoilt version so it’s blurred out. <\spoiler> ???

I appreciate it! Thank you for your support!!!

[spoiler]This text will be blurred[/spoiler]

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