Learn How to Talk About a Typical Workday and Tasks - Task 45

Tell us what’s happening:

The rest of the day involves working on
assigned projects,
Pongo "assigned " pero no es la correcta, que palabra iria en esa parte?

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Learn How to Talk About a Typical Workday and Tasks - Task 45

This is the spoken sentence with the required word.

During the rest of the day, you usually work on your design projects

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I am putting “finish” in the part where is explaining at what time the day is complete, but it is nos the correct answer. :v

You are missing the proper ending to the word.

From Google:

verb: finish; 3rd person present: finishes; past tense: finished; past participle: finished; gerund or present participle: finishing

For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third person.

Oh that’s right sorry

No need to apologize. The forum is for getting help, that is why we are here.