Learn How to Use Basic Programming Vocabulary in Conversations - Task 71

Tell us what’s happening:

I put “class’s” in the first one box and it defined as a wrong answer, I don’t know why, I have written in many different ways and It doesn’t accepted by the platform.

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Learn How to Use Basic Programming Vocabulary in Conversations - Task 71

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you need to use the plural version, which is what is being taught here.

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He probado con muchas palabras “class’s” "class’ " “classes” “class” pero ninguna de ella es correcta. Si no estoy entendiendo mal la primera palabra seria singular de class.

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Keep trying, be simple, happy coding!

Gracias por tu aliento…

Me gastaría saber si la plataforma puede presentar alguna falla/ error, por que estoy segura que ya coloque la palabra correcta y no la esta aceptando. Hay forma de verificar eso?

Gracias por la Ayuda, lo he logrado!!

plural with the possessive, it’s the form taught here