I’m stuck just at the beginning and it makes me feel stupid.
“Start by declaring a function called main. Use the pass keyword to avoid an error.”
How shall I do that? How shall I use the pass keyword?
I’m trying any combination of the words given, but nothing sims to work
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Learn How to Work with Numbers and Strings by Implementing the Luhn Algorithm - Step 1
In step 50 of that previous course it features how to define a function
Step 50
A function is essentially a reusable block of code. You have already met some built-in functions, like print(), find() and len
(). But you can also define custom functions like this:
def function_name():
A function declaration starts with the def keyword followed by the function name — a valid variable name — and a pair of parentheses. The declaration ends with a colon.
Right after your shift variable, declare a function called caesar and indent all the following lines to give your new function a body.
In step 82 of that same course it features the purpose of the keyword pass
Step 82
The pass keyword can be used as a placeholder for future code. It does not have any effect in your code but it can save you from errors you would get in case of incomplete code:
def foo():
Calling vigenere with 1 to encrypt and -1 to decrypt is fine but it might be a little bit cryptic. Create a new function called encrypt that takes message and key parameters, and use pass to fill the function body.