Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 1

My answer is incorrect for some mysterious reason…
I have to put ‘CatPhotoApp’ in the h1 element so I changed it into:


Should be correct, right? Well, no. The vague error is “Sorry, your code does not pass. Hang in there.” with a hint saying: “You appear to be using a browser extension that is modifying the page. Be sure to turn off all browser extensions.”


So, I tried to be clever. After all, I’ve been doing web development since the early 1990’s and am just curious about the quality of this tutorial. So far, it …
Fun thing, though. When you start this step, you get to see an iframe with the final result so I was clever enough to just inspect it with the developer tools and check what code it has there…


Wait?! Didn’t I use that as my answer? Well, one copy/paste later and I copied that as answer. Same error…

Apparently, the right answer is still wrong?


<!-- User Editable Region -->


<!-- User Editable Region -->


Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge: Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 1

Link to the challenge:

When I copy and paste your code it passes the challenge. There are a few steps you can try.

  1. Try restarting and refreshing the challenge to see if it will pass
  2. make sure you dont have any extensions running. Things like ad blocker, and dark mode can cause the challenge to fail.
  3. If none of the above work, then try submitting in the challenge in a different browser

Well, I’ve tried restarting and refreshing and everything else already. I even rebooted my machine (to get some sleep) and tried it again, just now. Still the same problem.
As for extensions… None of the extensions I have should interfere with how websites work. But I’m not gonna disable any extensions just because some website has a problem with it. It’s not the extension that’s a problem, but the website.
I could use a different browser, of course. Been working in web development for about 30 years now so I might even find an old Internet Explorer on an old Windows XP virtual machine that I must have somewhere. :slight_smile: And I would probably get it to work just fine! But here’s the thing: that’s not a solution!
I don’t see other websites complain about extensions in my browser. If this site has any problem with extensions then it’s very likely doing something my Google Chrome setup doesn’t like…

I think the clue is in this bit. Browser extensions can cause the tests to fail, because they can inject additional HTML/CSS into the page. Be sure to turn off all brower extensions.

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This is an interactive HTML/CSS tutorial and the tests check elements on the page to see that instructions have been completed successfully. If you use browser extensions, this can cause additional HTML/CSS to be injected into the page, and the tests can pick up those additional elements/styles and read them as erroneous in the context of these challenges. That’s why it’s recommended that all browser extensions are disabled for this course.

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