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I don’t know what’s wrong with my code, I seem to cant figure out the section element as I think I put it the element in correctly but the course says I’m doing it wrong Your code so far
<h2>Cat Photos</h2>
<p>Everyone loves <a href="">cute cats</a> online!</p>
<p>See more <a target="_blank" href="">cat photos</a> in our gallery.</p>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."></a>
**Challenge:** Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 18
**Link to the challenge:**
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helo would you be so nice and help me with a code a couple of steps behind
in the sentence: Everyone loves cute cats online!
Ive typed in exactly what the person above has but its still not working
its telling that The herf attribute of the new anchor element should be: (the link)
but ive checked the link multiple times and its the same
do I need to add something extra that’s not visible?
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We would be happy to help you.
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Good luck!