Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 21

Just a heads up about a small typo in one of the HTML code examples. In the lesson where you’ve got an unordered list (<ul>) with three list items (<li>), the instructions mention having three “li elemt”, but it should be “li elements” instead.

It’s a quick fix, but thought I’d mention it for clarity’s sake.




Could you please share which step the error is in for the error to be fixed?

Happy coding!

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      <li>cat nip</li>
      <li>laser pointer</li>
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So is it this step? On my side it displays correctly


I don’t know how to thank you


Hi! All is correct here

I am stuck at step 21. How am i supposed to fix that error when the task says list items not elements. I listed the elements under

  • and
  • . I cant get any further until its fixed on your end.o

    I keep getting the error message

    What am I doing wrong?

    Hi there!

    If you have a question about a specific challenge as it relates to your written code for that challenge and need some help, click the Help button located on the challenge (it looks like a question mark). This button only appears if you have tried to submit an answer at least three times.

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