Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 56

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Describe your issue in detail here. Seems like nothing I do is working. tried lower and upper loving ,Loving…plz help… There’s another way to associate an input element’s text with the element itself. You can nest the text within a label element and add a for attribute with the same value as the input element’s id attribute.

Associate the text Loving with the checkbox by nesting only the text Loving in a label element and giving it an appropriate for attribute.

Your code so far <label for="Loving"><input id="loving" type="checkbox"> Loving</label>

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Can you post a link to the challenge


So looks like you switched things around. When I reset the challenge I notice that the input comes first. You need the label after the input. The text “Loving” should be the only thing in the label

this doesn’t work either, this is after the input right?

            <label for="Loving"></label>```

Wheres the text that should be inside the label?

is supposed to be type text?

This is what the directions ask you for

“nesting only the text Loving in a label element and giving it an appropriate for attribute.”

I dont see any text in your label

i see what I did but now I am getting another problem.
Sorry, your code does not pass. Keep trying.


There should be a space between your checkbox and your new label element.
Sorry, your code does not pass. Keep trying.


         <label for="loving"> Loving </label>

             <label for="loving"> Loving </label>```

Now show the code for both the input and label. As the hint suggest there might be a spacing issue

like a like a line break?


doesnt work with or without line break

             <label for="loving">Loving</label>```

<input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving<br>
<label for="loving">Loving</label>

The hint is giving you a hint

“ There should be a space between your checkbox and your new label element.”

Post both the input and label so we can see if theres a space or not. You should not be adding a break…pay attention to the hint you were given

<input id="loving" type="checkbox">Loving<label for="loving">Loving</label>

I had to edit the code formatting in your post. So in your code right now, is there a space between “Loving” and the <label> element?

its not putting a space in between

            <label for="loving">Loving</label>  ```

Please post all of the code instead of only that little piece