Learn HTML Forms by Building a Registration Form - Step 37

Tell us what’s happening:
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i don’t know if i have to create another label …im lost . please where do i insert these elements ie profile-picture , age , referrer , and bio
Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Registration Form</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <h1>Registration Form</h1>
    <p>Please fill out this form with the required information</p>
    <form action='https://register-demo.freecodecamp.org'>
        <label for="first-name">Enter Your First Name: <input id="first-name" type="text" required /></label>
        <label for="last-name">Enter Your Last Name: <input id="last-name" type="text" required /></label>
        <label for="email">Enter Your Email: <input id="email" type="email" required /></label>
        <label for="new-password">Create a New Password: <input id="new-password" type="password" pattern="[a-z0-5]{8,}" required /></label>
        <label for="personal-account"><input id="personal-account" type="radio" name="account-type" /> Personal Account</label>
        <label for="business-account"><input id="business-account" type="radio" name="account-type" /> Business Account</label>
        <label for="terms-and-conditions">
          <input id="terms-and-conditions" type="checkbox" required /> I accept the <a href="https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/terms-of-service/">terms and conditions</a>
        <label>Upload a profile picture: <input type="file" /></label>
        <label>Input your age (years): <input type="number" min="13" max="120" /></label>
        <label>How did you hear about us?
            <option value="">(select one)</option>
            <option value="1">freeCodeCamp News</option>
            <option value="2">freeCodeCamp YouTube Channel</option>
            <option value="3">freeCodeCamp Forum</option>
            <option value="4">Other</option>
        <label>Provide a bio:
      <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
/* file: styles.css */
body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
  margin: 0;
  background-color: #1b1b32;
  color: #f5f6f7;

label {
  display: block;
  margin: 0.5rem 0;

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Challenge: Learn HTML Forms by Building a Registration Form - Step 37

Link to the challenge:

you haven’t been asked to create any elements in this step.
Just link the label and the corresponding input or textarea or select element.
(recall step 56 in cat photo app project that showed how to link elements with for attribute)

All your work should be in the 3rd fieldset (and should be very similar to what you did in the previous fieldsets)
Use the id words given to you for the respective elements.

 <label for="profile-picture">Upload a profile picture: <id="profile-picture" input type="file" /></label>
        <label for="age">Input your age (years): <id="age" input type="number" min="13" max="120" /></label>
        <label for="referrer">How did you hear about us?<id="referrer" input type="option"</label>
            <option value="">(select one)</option>
            <option value="1">freeCodeCamp News</option>
            <option value="2">freeCodeCamp YouTube Channel</option>
            <option value="3">freeCodeCamp Forum</option>
            <option value="4">Other</option>
        <label for="bio">Provide a bio:

this is my current code and its Still not working

There is no such element “id=“

Input is an element…

 <label for="profile-picture">Upload a profile picture: <input id="profile-picture" input type="file" /></label>
        <label for="age">Input your age (years): <input id="age" input type="number" min="13" max="120" /></label>
        <label for="referrer">How did you hear about us?<input id="referrer" input type="option"</label>
            <option value="">(select one)</option>
            <option value="1">freeCodeCamp News</option>
            <option value="2">freeCodeCamp YouTube Channel</option>
            <option value="3">freeCodeCamp Forum</option>
            <option value="4">Other</option>
        <label for="bio">Provide a bio:

i corrected it but still

Remove all the extra words in your input elements “input” is not an attribute of input elements.

And make sure each label’s for actually matches the respective element’s id value.

For eg, where is the match for bio?

And remove this entire thing which was not there to being with (compare this line to the line of code as it looked at the start.)

I’m confused … please i thought it was suppose to match with the other fieldset ?

Perhaps it is easier for you if you click restart step and then just focus on adding the ids and the for attributes (do not add any elements, just the ids to each input and textarea and option and the matching for values to each label)

okso the first one for the profile picture goes like this

<label for="profile-picture"Upload a profile picture: <input id="profile-picture" input type="file" /></label>
``` please is that okay ?
<label>Upload a profile picture: <input type="file" /></label>`

<label for="profile-picture"Upload a profile picture: <input id="profile-picture" input type="file" /></label>

Top line is the old one.
Bottom line is your new one.
Everything looks okay except the label is missing it’s >

let me redo it then . will send it soon

<label for="profile-picture"Upload a profile picture:><input id="profile-picture" input type="file" /></label>

please is this okay ?

no it is still wrong.
I strong suggest that clicking the Restart button.
Then you can add without deleting anything.
(just add the ids and the for labels, right now you are fixing things that were correct when you started)

but that all i did…the first one is just a sample of how out would be done . i just added for and the ids

<label (for="profile-picture")Upload a profile picture:><(input id="profile-picture") input type="file" /></label>

the () the elements in the brackets what i added …so please in this case what should i take out and add?

        <label>Upload a profile picture: <input type="file" /></label>
        <label>Input your age (years): <input type="number" min="13" max="120" /></label>
        <label>How did you hear about us?
            <option value="">(select one)</option>
            <option value="1">freeCodeCamp News</option>
            <option value="2">freeCodeCamp YouTube Channel</option>
            <option value="3">freeCodeCamp Forum</option>
            <option value="4">Other</option>
        <label>Provide a bio:

This is the original code.
Your new code should be exactly like this.
The only difference is you should add exactly 4 for attributes to the 4 labels here
and 4 id attributes to the relevant elements (2 inputs, 1 select and 1 textarea).

That’s it.

(If I were you, I would just restart rather than keep on struggling with what you added that is not accepted)

 <label for="profile-picture"Upload a profile picture:><input id="profile-picture" type="file" /></label>
        <label for="age"Input your age (years):><input id="age" type="number" min="13" max="120" /></label>
        <label for="referrer"How did you hear about us?
          <select id="referrer"
            <option value="">(select one)</option>
            <option value="1">freeCodeCamp News</option>
            <option value="2">freeCodeCamp YouTube Channel</option>
            <option value="3">freeCodeCamp Forum</option>
            <option value="4">Other</option>
        <label for="Provide a bio:"
          <textarea id="bio"</textarea>

This sounds simple but i really don’t know why in getting it wrong … i feel i don’t have the full info on this …
because if we should start from the first label, everything seems to be okay but the select is a problem .
plus i havent changed anything too.
i have 4 labels here , which would automatically like this <label for=“” and id="…that all i added but still

The third label which goes like this <label>How did you hear about us?
all i have to do is this right ?<label for How did you hear about us? i just added “for” but this has no id right ?
moving on to the select

<select id="referrer" ..

but it kept telling me to add referrer

i am not supposed to give you the answer so I will try to explain why the new code is wrong another way.

Look at this fieldset element.

Notice the label looks like this (the top line):

<label for="last-name">Enter Your First Name: 
<label for="age"Input your age (years):>

The bottom line is your new age label.

Do you see how different these are?
(pay attention to the location of the > bracket and what the for looks like)