Learn Interfaces by Building an Equation Solver - Step 67

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learn interfaces by building an equation solver - Step 67

It keeps saying “Sorry, your code does not pass. You’re getting there.
The solver function should return a different string.”

This is the answer I gave. details_list = [f’concavity = {concavity:>10}‘, f’{min_max} = {coord:>13}']

but it’s still not working.

Please help. :pray::cry:

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            details_list = [f'concavity = {concavity:>10}', f'{min_max} = {coord:>13}']

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Learn Interfaces by Building an Equation Solver - Step 67

Oh, I just figured the answer out on my own. Sorry for the inconvenience.
However, I’d still leave the topic up for feedback just incase there are others who may also run into this same issue in the future. :wink:
Answer’s available on request.


Could you help me? i’m having the same problem.

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It’s :>12 & :>18. All we had to do was ensure that it looks exactly like the example they give


what does it look like in the code? like where would i put it and where exactly would it look like


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Thank you.

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