Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 11

Tell us what’s happening:

You should assign the value of the character variable to your secondCharacter variable. Don’t forget your semicolon.

Your code so far

let character = 'Hello';
character = "World";
let secondCharacter;

// User Editable Region

secondCharacter = "World";
character = "World";

// User Editable Region


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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 11

Hi there, to assign a variable to another variable, you must write the variable names, not their values.

I still don’t understand what you mean. I’ve assigned the value character and left it empty but it’s still not working

Click the reset button to restore the code to its original state for this step.

After that, look at your editor.

It should have exactly one line of code there.

Then do what the instructions wanted which were:

change your secondCharacter assignment from "Test" to your charactervariable.

That means you should erase the word test and its double quotes and then type the word character in its place.