Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 23

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I do not understand what have I miss. what code I write it print me what the question asked but still the code does not pass.

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// User Editable Region

let cities=["London","NewYork","Mumbai"];

// User Editable Region

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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 23

are you sure that is the correct way to write Mexico City? aren’t you missing something?

there was a space but after I give the space till it shows

" You should assign an array of the strings "London" , "New York" , and "Mumbai" to the cities variable."

how about New York? Did you make sure there is a space there?
Share your code in your reply if you are still stuck.

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Thank you ilenia. It was all about space.

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It was space. Thank you. After your rep I try to give space and it was solved.


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