How can I update the last element of the cities array to the string “Mexico City”
Your code so far
let character = 'Hello';
let count = 8;
let rows = ["Naomi", "Quincy", "CamperChan"];
// User Editable Region
let cities = [ "London", "New York", "Mumbai" ]
let cities = [ "London", "New York", "Mexico City" ]
cities[cities.length - 1]
// User Editable Region
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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 24
With the let keyword you can only define elements the one time. You can’t re-reserve the same variable in memory. You were on the right track though with the reassignment.
Though if you wanted to, you could finish the array stuff and assign that position inside the cities array to "Mexico City". It’s up to you.
You have already declared cities variable and assigned it an array ["London", "New York", "Mumbai"].
Remove that second declaration and assignment of cities array.
And assign the string "Mexico City" to the last element cities[cities.length - 1] of cities array.
Above in the example, I have assigned "Pakistan" to the last element of the countries array.
For the challenge step, you need to assign the string "Mexico City" to the last value of cities array. Reset the challenge step and try again.