Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 24

Tell us what’s happening:

i dont found anything wrong help me whats wrong with this.

Your code so far

let character = 'Hello';
let count = 8;
let rows = ["Naomi", "Quincy", "CamperChan"];

// User Editable Region

 let cities=["London","New York","Mumbai"]
 cities(cities.length-1)="Maxico Cities";

// User Editable Region


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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 24

Try checking your spelling on this line.

Your code is correct you just have to space them out, spacing are important

Hi there!

You should update the last element of the cities array to the string “Mexico City”. Remember that you can access the last element of an array using array[array.length - 1].

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