Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 28

Tell us what’s happening:

need help in checking my code
i can’t assign the character to the variable

Your code so far

let character = 'Hello';
let count = 8;
let rows = ["Naomi", "Quincy", "CamperChan"];

// User Editable Region

let pushed = rows.push ("freeCodeCamp");

// User Editable Region

let popped = rows.pop();

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Challenge Information:

Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 28

this is the line that the step wanted you to assign to a variable.

i have done that but still cant get the code correct

it says You should assign


to your



yes it does.
reset and do that without rewriting the code rows.push("freeCodeCamp")

it is already there in the editor (when you reset). So you don’t need to re-write it.

You should assign rows.push("freeCodeCamp") to your pushed variable.

i have assigned the character to the variable but i still didn’t pass the code

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