Tell us what’s happening:
I don’t get the problem here. I increment the done variable with
or alternatively using done += done or done = done +1
what am I missing here?
Your code so far
const character = "#";
const count = 8;
const rows = [];
function padRow(rowNumber, rowCount) {
return " ".repeat(rowCount - rowNumber) + character.repeat(2 * rowNumber - 1) + " ".repeat(rowCount - rowNumber);
// TODO: use a different type of loop
/*for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
rows.push(padRow(i, count));
let continueLoop = false;
let done = 0;
// User Editable Region
while (continueLoop) {
done ++;
// User Editable Region
let result = ""
for (const row of rows) {
result = result + "\n" + row;
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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 81