Learn localStorage by Building a Todo App - Step 68

Tell us what’s happening:

I have successfully set a function with a regex to remove special characters from a string when I call the function but I cannot understand why the function call will not work.
please help!

The function is .removeSpecialChars()

const taskObj = {
id: ${titleInput.value.toLowerCase().split(" ").join("-").removeSpecialChars()}-${Date.now()},
title: titleInput.value.removeSpecialChars(),
date: dateInput.value,
description: descriptionInput.value.removeSpecialChars(),

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

  const taskObj = {
    id: `${titleInput.value.toLowerCase().split(" ").join("-").removeSpecialChars()}-${Date.now()}`,
    title: titleInput.value.removeSpecialChars(),
    date: dateInput.value,
    description: descriptionInput.value.removeSpecialChars(),

// User Editable Region

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Learn localStorage by Building a Todo App - Step 68

it looks like it’s a function, not a method, so you need to put the value that needs to be altered as an argument to the function

Hi, I’m still having trouble, no-matter where I put the function it won’t seem to work

const taskObj = {
id: removeSpecialChars(${titleInput.value.toLowerCase().split(" ").join("-")}-${Date.now()}),
title: removeSpecialChars(titleInput.value),
date: dateInput.value,
description: removeSpecialChars(descriptionInput.value),

It’s asking you to specifically remove special chars from titleInput.value

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