Learn Modern JavaScript Methods By Building Football Team Cards - Step 33

Tell us what’s happening:

I am running this code exactly as this step is saying:
Still i’m getting error can some look through my code and point out the error and solution for it.

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Sorry, your code does not pass. Don’t give up.

You should add a new paragraph element with the text Nickname:

playerCards.innerHTML += arr.map(
    ({ name, position, number, isCaptain, nickname }) => {
        <div class="player-card">
          <h2>${name} ${isCaptain ? "(Captain)" : ""}</h2>
          <p>Position: ${position}</p>
          <p>Number: ${number}</p>
          <p>Nickname: ${nickname}</p>

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Learn Modern JavaScript Methods By Building Football Team Cards - Step 33

Only the text Nickname: is needed, filling in the exact nickname is the next step.

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