Learn Python List Comprehension by Building a Case Converter Program - 步骤 5

Tell us what’s happening:

It keeps reminding me of the wrong var,but i’don’t see where i did wrong

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def convert_to_snake_case(pascal_or_camel_cased_string):
    snake_cased_char_list = []
    for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:

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        if char.isupper():


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Learn Python List Comprehension by Building a Case Converter Program - 步骤 5

Never mind,guys,it’s soloved.I got blind for a little bit back there :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Welcome to the forum

You need to add an underscore string using the concatenation operator.

Also, a good idea to keep each bit of code separate with a single space.

Happy coding