Learn Python List Comprehension by Building a Case Converter Program - Step 3

Tell us what’s happening:

When i execute this:

def convert_to_snake_case(pascal_or_camel_cased_string):
snake_cased_char_list =
for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:

I get the following comment:

Sorry, your code does not pass. Keep trying.

You should write a new for loop with the target variable named char. Don’t forget the colon at the end and to us

Your code so far

# User Editable Region

def convert_to_snake_case(pascal_or_camel_cased_string):
    snake_cased_char_list = []
    for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:

# User Editable Region

    for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:
    for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:
    #return pascal_or_camel_cased_string
    for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:
    for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string():

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Learn Python List Comprehension by Building a Case Converter Program - Step 3

Hi there and welcome to our community!

There’s nothing wrong with the code which you’ve written inside the User Editable Region.

You have a lot of additional code immediately below it though, which shouldn’t be there at all:

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It worked. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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