Learn Recursion by Building a Decimal to Binary Converter - Step 48

Tell us what’s happening:

Hello. I tried every method I know but there’s something wrong with this string const callStack = [ a() : returns "freeCodeCamp " + b() ] ;
I’ve no idea how to fix this. I’ve tried putting {} as well as [] but Freecodecamp doesn’t allow it to pass this way. And console says everything’s fine. I’vetried searching online but I’m unable to find anything. I’ve tried to fix it for 2 days now.
I’m kinda starting to think it’s a bug. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Decimal to Binary Converter</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <h1>Decimal to Binary Converter</h1>
    <div class="input-container">
      <label for="number-input">Enter a decimal number:</label>
        name="decimal number input"
      <button class="convert-btn" id="convert-btn">Convert</button>
    <output id="result" for="number-input"></output>
    <div id="animation-container"></div>
    <script src="script.js"></script>
/* file: styles.css */
*::after {
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:root {
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  font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
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  display: flex;
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  align-items: center;

h1 {
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  margin: 20px 0;

.input-container {
  margin: 10px 0;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  gap: 10px;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

.convert-btn {
  background-color: var(--orange);
  cursor: pointer;
  border: none;
  padding: 4px;

.number-input {
  height: 25px;

#result {
  margin: 10px 0;
  min-width: 200px;
  width: fit-content;
  min-height: 80px;
  word-break: break-word;
  padding: 15px;
  border: 5px solid var(--orange);
  font-size: 2rem;
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#animation-container {
  margin: auto;
  max-width: 300px;

.animation-frame {
  margin: 250px auto 0;
  padding: 15px 10px;
  border: 5px solid var(--orange);
  font-size: 1.2rem;
  text-align: center;

@media screen and (min-width: 500px) {
  .input-container {
    flex-direction: row;

  #result {
    max-width: 460px;
/* file: script.js */

// User Editable Region

const callStack =
 a() : returns `"freeCodeCamp "` + b();

// User Editable Region

const a = () => {
  return "freeCodeCamp " + b();

const b = () => {
  return "is " + c();

const c = () => {
  return "awesome!";


const numberInput = document.getElementById("number-input");
const convertBtn = document.getElementById("convert-btn");
const result = document.getElementById("result");

const decimalToBinary = (input) => {
  let binary = "";

  if (input === 0) {
    binary = "0";

  while (input > 0) {
    binary = (input % 2) + binary;
    input = Math.floor(input / 2);

  result.innerText = binary;

const checkUserInput = () => {
  if (!numberInput.value || isNaN(parseInt(numberInput.value))) {
    alert("Please provide a decimal number");

  numberInput.value = "";

convertBtn.addEventListener("click", checkUserInput);

numberInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
  if (e.key === "Enter") {

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Learn Recursion by Building a Decimal to Binary Converter - Step 48

callStack should still be an array, and you are adding a string, so you need quotes all around that

Yes, thank you a ton for helping about this :slightly_smiling_face:
But I kinda already sorted it out myself
Sorry :worried:
Dunno why I haven’t tried to put quotes there myself when I tried like a bunch of other stuff :pensive:

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