hello, this seemed to be an easy task. nevertheless one im really struggling with. i cutted out the part until the print call for rods out of the move function as mentioned even though it felt a little bit odd for me to tear apart the nested structure. maybe i misunderstood everything again here being on the wrong track, not seeing the bigger picture or didnt got the exercise right…which could be the reason that i cant make the code pass even though i played around with that for pretty long now but not being able to find what i did wrong. other forum threads seemed not to help me either. im stuck here now for almost two days and start to feel REALLY stupid help is much appreciated.
Your code so far
number_of_moves = 2**NUMBER_OF_DISKS - 1
rods = {
'A': list(range(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 0, -1)),
'B': [],
'C': []
def make_allowed_move(rod1, rod2):
forward = False
if not rods[rod2]:
forward = True
elif rods[rod1] and rods[rod1][-1] < rods[rod2][-1]:
forward = True
if forward:
print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod1][-1]} from {rod1} to {rod2}')
print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod2][-1]} from {rod2} to {rod1}')
# display our progress
def move(n, source, auxiliary, target):
# display starting configuration
for i in range(number_of_moves):
remainder = (i + 1) % 3
if remainder == 1:
print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {target}')
elif remainder == 2:
print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {auxiliary}')
elif remainder == 0:
print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {auxiliary} and {target}')
# initiate call from source A to target C with auxiliary B
move(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 'A', 'B', 'C')
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Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 31