Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 31

Tell us what’s happening:

what am i doing wrong i’m very smart the best ever practically the floyd mayweather of this shit, yet i can’t find out what’s wrong with this code, if you help me ill be sure to treat you right when im awarded best coder on earth

Your code so far

# User Editable Region

number_of_moves = 2**NUMBER_OF_DISKS - 1
rods = {
    'A': list(range(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 0, -1)),
    'B': [],
    'C': []
def make_allowed_move(rod1, rod2):
    forward = False
    if not rods[rod2]:
        forward = True
    elif rods[rod1] and rods[rod1][-1] < rods[rod2][-1]:
        forward = True
    if forward:
        print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod1][-1]} from {rod1} to {rod2}')
        print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod2][-1]} from {rod2} to {rod1}')

    # Display our progress

def move(n, source, auxiliary, target):
    # display starting configuration
    for i in range(number_of_moves):
        remainder = (i + 1) % 3
        if remainder == 1:
            print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {target}')
        elif remainder == 2:
            print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {auxiliary}')
        elif remainder == 0:
            print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {auxiliary} and {target}')

# initiate call from source A to target C with auxiliary B
move(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 'A', 'B', 'C')

# User Editable Region

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Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 31

ive removed the print rods from the move function adn still gives error

ive also fixed indentation on line 14

Hi @Mr.Merati

Here is a comparison of the original code and your code.

The code in blue is the original code, the code in red is your code.
The code in magenta is the overlap.

You appear to have altered the code.

Please reset the step to restore the seed code, and try again.

Happy coding

Yeah, maybe Floyd Mayweather got his ass kicked by a no-name in sparring, but who cares? This code advice knocked out my problem faster than Floyd dodging taxes. Thanks for the help!