Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 39

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Hello, I am having trouble getting past this step but i am sure i did what the instruction said? could someone guide me on whats wrong here?

Your code so far

number_of_moves = 2**NUMBER_OF_DISKS - 1
rods = {
    'A': list(range(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 0, -1)),
    'B': [],
    'C': []

def make_allowed_move(rod1, rod2):    
    forward = False
    if not rods[rod2]:
        forward = True
    elif rods[rod1] and rods[rod1][-1] < rods[rod2][-1]:
        forward = True              
    if forward:
        print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod1][-1]} from {rod1} to {rod2}')
        print(f'Moving disk {rods[rod2][-1]} from {rod2} to {rod1}')
    # display our progress
    print(rods, '\n')

def move(n, source, auxiliary, target):
    # display starting configuration
    print(rods, '\n')
    for i in range(number_of_moves):
        remainder = (i + 1) % 3

# User Editable Region

        if remainder == 1:
            if n % 2 != 0:
                print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {target}')
                make_allowed_move(source, target)
                print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {auxiliary}')
                #make_allowed_move(source, auxiliary)

# User Editable Region

        elif remainder == 2:
            print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {source} and {auxiliary}')
            make_allowed_move(source, auxiliary)
        elif remainder == 0:
            print(f'Move {i + 1} allowed between {auxiliary} and {target}')
            make_allowed_move(auxiliary, target)
# initiate call from source A to target C with auxiliary B
move(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 'A', 'B', 'C')

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Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 39

Troubles here are caused by the space after the :. There was bug like that fixed, but it seems to made its way back.

alright, i just deleted the print call to be in line with the else clause, then pressed enter again and it worked!

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