Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Spam Filter - Step 3

Alert doesn’t pass.


Step 3

If the messageInput is empty, display an alert to the user with the message Please enter a message..

Then, exit the function execution.

My code:

checkMessageButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
  if (messageInput.value === '') {
    return alert('Please enter a message.')

Error message:

Sorry, your code does not pass. Try again.

Your if statement should display an alert to the user with the message Please enter a message..

do not use return maybe?

That doesn’t solve the problem, I have already tried it and here is the error message I got:

Sorry, your code does not pass. Keep trying.

Your if statement should exit the function execution.

can you provide the link to the step?


If the messageInput is empty, display an alert to the user with the message Please enter a message..

You first write the alert, then after the alert…

Then, exit the function execution.

after the alert you write the return

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Thanks a lot ilenia!

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