Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

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I am uanble to start my project.Can anyone help.

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Challenge: Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

Link to the challenge:

I was on last lesson when I worked on the project for the last time.

Can you share more details about what the problem is @priyanisha007? Maybe a screen shot or something, as well.

When I click on start the course it says’ sorry something went wrong tying to start the project.please try later.’

This is still happening @priyanisha007? That is a strange one - I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else have this issue. Do you see anything in the dev tools? The console and the network tabs might be useful. There’s probably a post request in the network tab to /user/user-token that failed for some reason. Do you see that? and what does it say about it?

Have you tried anything? You could try logging out and in again to fCC - or another browser, that might get it working.